Go beyond lame blogging books with this step-by-step into nine proven systems to make money blogging I spent years wanting to start a blog. I hated my job and knew I didn’t want to spend a third of my day miserable…but looking through blogging books, all I found were generic strategies and false promises.They all promised huge income but none really told me how much bloggers make or how to make money online. I said screw it and started my blogs anyway in 2014. I quit my job and spent 60+ hours a week building my sites and learning how to make money blogging. You know what, it paid off. I doubled my monthly income last year and now make more than 85% of bloggers. That’s in just two years of blogging and I make money from seven different income sources every month. Flip-flops and a T-shirt are my uniform and I’m loving it! You Don’t Have 60+ Hours a Week to Learn How to Make Money Online?I didn’t start making money blogging overnight. I treated it like a business, I put everything into it and sacrificed life for months to learn how to start a blog and be successful. My pain is your gain. You don’t have to sacrifice a year of your time to start making money and work from home. I put everything I learned on my own into this book from the easiest ways to make money to the methods that make thousands a month. Making Money Blogging…and only Making Money This isn’t just another generic blogging book, covering everything from starting a blog to building traffic and then offering a side-note on a few ways to make money.You can find that anywhere. Type ‘Start a Blog’ in Google and you’ll find thousands of articles on how to setup your site but none of them tell you exactly how to make money. Believe me, I tried and had to learn the hard way. This book is 100% dedicated to giving you the tools that make money on websites. In this book you’ll learn: The proven one-year strategy for developing different income sources on your blog, from the immediate payoffs to the methods that make thousands a month (pg. 171) The complete sales funnel one blogger uses to sell his $1,000 courses and make between $30,000 to $70,000 every single month (pg. 93) How I turned my blogs into a self-publishing engine and make nearly $2,000 a month just on the books (pg. 67) How I doubled the monthly income from my blogs last year to make more than 85% of bloggers (pg. 6) How I turned a blog making less than $100 a month into a $1,000 cash machine in less than three weeks (pg. 112) If you are serious about working from home and making money online, scroll back up and click buy now.

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