क्या आप भी घर बैठे पैसे कमाना चाहते हैं? पर ghar baithe paise kaise kamaye?
आज कल online business के दौर में successful business खड़ा करना काफी आसान और संभव हो गया है। इस बात को सच साबित करती हैं Ritu Kaushik जी। हरियाणा के एक छोटे से गाँव में रहने वाली Ritu Kaushik जी एक सफल ग्रहणी, एक अच्छी माँ और एक successful entrepreneur का role बखूब ही निभा रही हैं। Ritu Kaushik जी सभी entrepreneurs के लिए एक मिसाल है | उनका मानना है कि चाहे आप गाँव में हो या शहर में, आपके पास business start करने के liye बहुत पैसे नहीं भी हो, तो भी आप अपने small business ideas से पैसे कमा सकते हैं|
Ritu Kaushik जी का successful entrepreneur बनने का सफर ना केवल small businesses के लिए inspiration है, बल्कि यह भी सिखाता है कि business चाहे छोटा हो या बड़ा आप उसमें success पा सकते हैं।
देखिये Ritu Kaushik जी की business motivation Josh Talk और जानिये Successful Online Business बनाने के सबसे 4 Important Business Tips और ghar baithe paise kamaye.
Wondering how to start an online business from home? Whether you are in a village or town, whether you can invest a lot of money initially or not, Ritu Kaushik tells how to make money online and run a profitable business.
A housewife from a small town of Haryana achieved business success by selling handbags online. A successful entrepreneur Ritu Kaushik’s success story started with her online business idea. She turned her love for handbags into a successful business. For Ritu Kaushik, online business was a way to pursue her passion. She decided to start her own handbag business, one that flourishes now and offers shoppers in all corners of India a product category in a brand new avatar.
In this Hindi motivational Josh Talk, Ritu Kaushik gives business tips on how to run a successful business & build your business skills. This successful entrepreneur story is just the tip of the iceberg. Ritu Kaushik says whether you have small or big business ideas you can always succeed. Use your business skills to profit from the e-commerce boom and make the profit by online business from home.
Watch this successful entrepreneur story and get the business motivation to know how to succeed in business and make crores of money from home.
Josh Talks passionately believes that a well-told story has the power to reshape attitudes, lives, and ultimately, the world. We are on a mission to find and showcase the best motivational stories from across India through documented videos and live events held all over the country. What started as a simple conference is now a fast-growing media platform that covers the most innovative rags to riches success stories with speakers from every conceivable background, including entrepreneurship, women’s rights, public policy, sports, entertainment, and social initiatives. With 9 languages in our ambit, our stories and speakers echo one desire: to inspire action. Our goal is to unlock the potential of passionate young Indians from rural and urban areas by inspiring them to overcome the setbacks they face in their career and helping them discover their true calling in life.
जोश Talks भारत की सबसे प्रेरणाजनक कहानियों को इकट्ठा करती हैं और उन्हें कथित करती हैं एवं उन्हें प्रदर्शन करने के लिए एक मंच प्रदान करती हैं। विविध पृष्ठभूमि के वक्ताओं को अपनी कहानियों को सांझा करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाता है – वे यहाँ अपनी चुनौतियों पर प्रकाश डालते हैं और सफलता की यात्रा सबसे साँझा करते हैं और सभी प्रेक्षकों को अपनी कहानी के ज़रिये प्रेरणा प्रदान करते हैं |
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#GharBaithePaiseKamaye #OnlineBusiness #JoshTalksHindi
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