Hi my name is Glendon Cameron I am the founder of Hustler’s Kung Fu University. It is a curriculum that will help you make money. One of the biggest things for this channel is where do I start with your courses?
There are so many! I want to be sure to get what applies to me! So I am creating this video for people who need that information. All course are priced at a level you can easily buy one at a time.
The first thing you will do is get my free audiobook – The Hustler’s Mindset Pimping you mind for success. – http://www.hustlerskungfulifeskills.com/courses/copy-of-the-hustler-s-mindset-pimping-your-mind-for-success
The second course you should get is Money Management -The Basics of Finance and wealth DEVELOPMENT this course will teach you how to optimize your money and prepare for the new money that will come in when you start your business – https://moneyincomeprofit.com/p/money-management-the-basics-of-finance-and-wealth-development
The third course you should get is Becoming the BOSS – teaches you the mental shift you must make from an employee mindset to an owner mindset. http://www.hustlerskungfulifeskills.com/courses/boss
The fourth course you should get is The Power of 6 – prepare you to do more and get shit done! http://thehustlersmindsetproject.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-the-power-of-6-productivity-course
The fifth course you should buy is Scripted Days this will give you the power of writing your intentions down. This course will be life-changing. – http://thehustlersmindsetproject.thinkific.com/courses/copy-of-script-your-days
These 5 courses and the free audiobook will build the foundation. When I was doing 30 Days to $2500 I had some students do AMAZINGLY WELL and some students struggled. The people who did well already had a) a business b) a superior mindset the foundation course will give you the superior mindset.
Let say you are a person who wants to start a business but have no clue to where to start this next section is for you. Typically business success comes from practicing business skills. One of the best ways to do that is by reselling. You got to get your feet wet. This is where you start with the reselling courses.
This collection will give you everything you need to start reselling or making money from garage sales – http://www.hustlerskungfulifeskills.com/courses/hustlers-kung-fu-books-collection
Once you have gotten the 5 first courses. Your next move will be 30 Days to $2500 this is a course for people who need help learning how to selling and set up a business. It will be thought to provoking this is also is a good course for people with established businesses. It will help you sell more!- http://www.hustlerskungfulifeskills.com/courses/30-days-to-2500
Your seventh course will be Asking for the Money how to be Uber salesperson. Only buy this course when you have a product or service to sell – http://www.hustlerskungfulifeskills.com/courses/phoneskills
For business owners – defined as people making money and paying their bills with the proceeds from the business
You should get The Art of Holding on how to set up your legal structure. If you are a business owner making money you are a target and you need to protect yourself! – http://www.hustlerskungfulifeskills.com/bundles/theartofholding
For people who want to save some money. Curated bundle with all of the courses except The Art of Holding to get you started on your business aspirations! Hustler Undergrad – http://www.hustlerskungfulifeskills.com/bundles/hustlerundergrad
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