At Last, An Honest Look At What It Takes To Become An Authority Online! You have finally made the decision to take your message to the online world. But now what? Where do you start? – What do you do? – How do you do it? How do I even know if my message is one that people want to hear? These are questions that everyone who is new to the online world asks and need answers for to be able to move forward. Self-Made Authority answers all those questions and so much more. Not only will you learn all the options available to you to get your message out there and how to use them, you will learn the best methods for starting and a game plan to get you going immediately and seeing results. A must read for anyone who wants to be successful and build an audience of people who want to hear what you have to say! So many people these days hear these incredible stories of people who have gone online to share their message, built huge audiences and are making a fortune, while literally starting an online business from scratch. They envision what it will be like and the freedom that they will have and they can’t wait. And then reality hits… They have no clue how they are going to get there! Where do you even start? Do you need a website? How do you get people to listen to you when you haven’t accomplished anything yet? The questions go on and on as they are valid questions that need to be answered. Thankfully, there are answers Self Made Authority has them for you. Everything you will need to get started on your road to becoming an authority is covered. You will find things like: – How Does This Whole Internet Thing Work Anyways? – How To Start Your Own Business? – How Do I Create Content That Attracts People? – What Tools Do I Use To Build An Audience? – How To Get Famous? – How To Start An Online Business? – How To Sell Yourself? – How Do Webinars Work? – And so much more… Plus at the end of the book you are going to receive a complete step by step game plan that will help you to get started TODAY! Don’t struggle any longer trying to figure out if being an online authority is for you, because it is! The only question now is, how quickly are you going to get this book and start changing your life forever? The choice is yours. Get the proven tools how to start your own business and strategies you can put into effect today with Self-Made Authority, and watch your business grow exponentially! About The Author: Oliver Momeni author of the book, Self-Made Authority, is also founder of Webinar DNA, Speaker On Fire, Ultimate Scopes and Product Creation 360, a comprehensive marketing training program for aspiring authors, speakers, coaches, and online thought leaders that want to package their knowledge into online courses. Oliver has become a highly paid trainer on the topics of both motivation and marketing. Oliver’s videos, newsletters, products, and appearances now inspire thousands of people worldwide. Oliver was blessed to receive — a second chance — after surviving a rare illness. Since then, he has dedicated his life to helping individuals, teams, and organizations find their charge, share their voice, and make a greater difference in the world. Oliver has been featured in, ABC News, NBC, CBS and the Washington Harald and other popular outlets. His clients include entrepreneurs and executives from around the globe. He has become the go-to marketing advisor for many of the most successful companies and celebrities in the world.
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