Have you tapped into the power of home based jobs and passive income yet? Do you wish to achieve time and money freedom? Are you tired of reading lists of income-generating methods without the lowdown on how to implement them successfully? There is no shortage of material on the many ways to earn passive income and work from home. However, simply throwing up a list of 10 ways to make passive income or 50 ways you can earn $100 per day doesn’t cut it anymore. After all, anyone can put a list together. How many times have you tried implementing new methods only to discover that there’s a lot more to it than what was initially mentioned? The only results you ever see are frustration and a sense of hopelessness. What’s worse is that everyone else seems to be doing just fine! So, what is the problem here? Well, the issue is with structure. In order to make anything a success, you need to understand how to structure your business properly as well as how to get your mind focused on your goals. Now, I’m not talking about affirmations and such. I’m talking about how to use money correctly and to understand the first principles of good business. By the end of this book, you will not only have a great list of ideas to choose from but also a framework within which you can implement these ideas for maximum success. Drawing lessons from real life entrepreneurs and business people, I will show you how you can replicate their success, to any scale you desire. In addition to this, you will also learn all about the following: The mindset shift that will guarantee your success and why no one is ever conditioned to think this way at the beginning. The one thing that made Warren Buffett a multi-billionaire more than anything else, or in other words, how to turn 2% into 20%. Why you are currently suffering from the opposite of the Midas touch and how you can fix this easily. Practical advice on how much capital you need, ease of implementation, and earning potential for over 40 home based jobs and passive income ideas. How you can both reduce your cost of living as well as generate income and the difference between both approaches. The importance of educating yourself and how to quickly spot scam artists, including advice on why it isn’t really the scammers you need to worry about. How to scale your affiliate marketing and business ideas in order to generate the profit you desire. And so much more! In addition to all of this, you will get a breakdown of a number of home base jobs and passive income ideas, advice on how to scale into them, and practical information on how much capital you need to begin. There are ideas which need no investment and those which earn more that need higher levels of capital. Either way, you will learn the step by step method to success. The only time to act is now, and this is your moment to effect great change. So, what are you waiting for? Time and money freedom are calling and waiting for you to pick up. Page Up and click Buy Now!
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