Could you use an extra $1000 per month side income while you sleep? How about $10,000 from businesses you’ve built from scratch with just your own sweat and tears? Are you willing to put in the long hours necessary and weather the risk and uncertainty of being your own boss? Do you want to live the dream of sleeping in, taking exotic vacations, and putting your feet up like you deserve? Do you need the information to help you get it done? I’ve done it, and you can do it too. If you’ve answered yes to the above, then this is the no-nonsense, straight forward, easy to read guide for you.ContentsIntroductionChapter 1 Pros of Working From HomeChapter 2 Cons of Working From HomeChapter 3 Your Workspace– Ideal settings for successful workChapter 4 Your Routine– Goals and deadlines– To do lists– Brainstorming and making your listsChapter 5 Money Matters– Passive income and how to get it– Multiple income streams, eggs in many baskets– Funding your business: pull yourself up by your own bootstrapsChapter 6 How to Be Your Own Boss– You’ll wear many hats: manager, worker bee, accountant, etc. – How to do taxes yourself and saveChapter 7 Top 7 Ways to Make Money From Home– 7 ideas for businesses you can start in your pajamas (or swimwear)Chapter 8 The Secrets to my Success– How I did it, and how you can tooChapter 9 Resources

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