There are WAY too many fake gurus selling nonsense courses, coaching and paid communities about how to “make money online”. Over the past few years, I’ve been inundated with emails from these people’s customers (i.e., people who bought their garbage products and are now trying to implement what they learned).
In this video, I want to share what I’ve seen over the last few years and, hopefully, help people avoid getting involved with these scam artists and their shady companies.
Here’s a list of the most popular online scam artists (that I know of) and their courses they shill:
Tai Lopez
Dan Lok
Andrew Tate
Alex Hormozi
Sam Ovens
Jay Shetty
Iman Ghadz
Grant Cardone
Robert Kiyosaki
Jordan Welch
Hustler’s University
The Real World
Avoid anyone “teaching” these topics or selling coaching / paid communities around the following:
Make Money Online
Paid Communities
Crypto Currency
High Ticket Sales
Remote Closing
Affiliate Marketing
Lead Gen
Passive Income
Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA)
If you of any other fake gurus selling garbage products, please list them in a comment.
Stay safe out there!
Main channel: @BrockMcGoff
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