Start an online business & earn passive income. 11 steps to start an online business in 2016. Get free .com domain with bluehost hosting –
If you’re looking at making passive income by starting your online business then, you should start it without too much starting cost. In this video/this description i am sharing the exact steps for starting your online business step by step.
So, let’s get started with how to start an online business in 2016.
Step 1. At the first and formost you should understand and define your product and service. This is the main task for you because, your product or service helps you to generate revenue from your established business.
Step 2. Online business also need to get register as per your state’s laws. So, you should need to consider online business registration. Also, you can get guidence by researching that topics in Google search engine.
Step 3. Short and easy to remember domain name is the main key to generate high amount of traffic, income, sales and many more conversation with your visitors and members. So, you should need to register good, short and catchy .com domain for your online business website.
Step 4. There are many websites or platform who provides you free webhosting but, they are providing limited services. So, if you want to start your official and professional online business then, you should need to consider buying a well serviced and fully functioned webhosting service from web host providers. You can try out bluehost, hostgator, orange hosting, etc.. but, i personally recommended you to go with bluehost hosting.
Step 5. At this fifth step, you must need to understand the structure and design of your website. Don’t focus on elegant, funky, classical or hipster type website templates. Your website need to be a professional and search engine optimized. So, your visitor can easily find all products and details with normal internet speed.
Step 6. It’s time to purchase eCommerce software where your buyers can access all tools and shortcuts to pay those money for buying your service or product. Also, you can easily maintain your buyers list and informations.
Step 7. Have you heard about! I think, yes. So, you need to set up a merchant account for setting up entire credic card processing system.
Also, you can checkout this article for starting an online business –
Step 8. Be Social.
Step 9. Become an Affiliate marketer and increase your earnings. You can watch/learn lots of videos about how to increase product sales with affiliate marketing program.
Step 10. Add catchy content to your site.
Step 11. Add Google AdSense Ads and earn more income by placing third party advertisements on your online store, website or blog.
So, these are the top 11 steps you should need to consider for starting an online business in 2016.
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