I’ve just interviewed Henry, a Daily Business Hustle mastermind member from Africa. Here’s how he’s built his business and started traveling the world.
“Want to connect on facebook? Add me on Facebook:
Follow me on Instagram: @aleksvitkin”
What exactly are you selling Henry? – I am currently selling social media marketing services to businesses. I started doing this in my day job before I joined the mastermind. I wanted to start working online, but did not know how to. I joined the mastermind and 2 weeks later I got my first sale online.
How did you learn social media marketing? – I read some things online, looked at good social media pages and saw what works and what does not. When I joined the mastermind I spoke with other members in the mastermind who were doing similar things
What were the resources which you learned from? – I can recommend a book from Gary Vaynerchuk called “Jab Jab”. There is very good stuff on how to conduct yourself in social media. One very good blog is Social media examiner. There is very basic stuff, but if you do not know anything about it, it is a very good starting point in social media.
How did you learn Facebook adds? – I started trying it with one of my social media clients doing very basic stuff. I recommend to test it for yourself with a $50 budget and try to run some traffic on a page that you manage and see how it works. When you get confident you can start offering it to clients as well.
How were you able to get the sales? How did you handle the willingness of your clients to see your past work? – I developed my skills, I developed my confidence. I can show my work with previous clients to future clients. Now I am offering Facebook adds and social media content. I am travelling in Riga and offering that here as well.
How do you determine which clients you want to work with? – How do you determine which lead is a good potential client and which lead is going to be just a waste of time?
I ask them questions to make sure they are fit for me. I do not take any job. I make sure people are serious. I can advise you to make sure that the people you are working with are qualified. Ask them how much of a difference this will make in their business. Are they looking to start fast or it is just explorative. If this is the perfect service would you be able to afford $1000 a month? Those are the type of questions I ask on sales calls.
How much do you charge an average client for a simple service of social media marketing a month? – The cheapest dollar amount is $500 a month which I believe is very cheap. I have been doing it for a couple of months, but I am confident in the result I am getting now.
Can you handle 10 clients like that? – At the beginning I couldn’t, but then I read a really good book was “E myth revisited”. It was about outsourcing your work. You can hire people on freelancing websites and take the workload off me.
How much do you charge for the more expensive stuff? – For just the content and to grow the social media organically I charge $500 a month, but with the Facebook adds for clients and optimizing the adds I charge minimum $1000 a month, that is for the adds and the content as well.
I still want to grow. My goal is to reach $10000 a month in this year. My growing would hopefully be much bigger if I offer more services, but this is where I am right now and those are my offerings now.
Are you getting referrals? – My first client for my social media service was from my home country Ghana. Last week they referred me to someone else and I got a new client from a referral and they will be paying me $500 a month.
So, you have clients from Ghana and they pay you a reasonable amount of money for social media management, which you can outsource. Guys, you see that if you are in United States or Europe, you have no excuse at all. If you can get sales in Africa, you can get sales anywhere in the world.
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