Today’s college grads face a new set of challenges brought on by a sluggish job market, changing technology, and staggering amounts of debt. The rules have changed since their parents were in school, leaving young adults at a loss for advice that addresses their immediate concerns as well as the big-picture questions with which each generation of young adults must contend. Life coach Ken Jedding has spent the past decade talking one-on-one with college students and graduates across the country in his workshops and lectures. In Higher Education, he provides a fresh, modern guidebook to postcollegiate life that addresses the issues and concerns he hears voiced most often. From the lofty What is my purpose in life? and the practical How can I land my dream job? to the increasingly common (if somewhat terrifying) How did I wind up back in my parents’ house?, Jedding’s valuable insight, wisdom, and humor provide a much-needed roadmap for the journey that is only just beginning.
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