So much is changing right now about how we work. Many of us have a business selling jewellery face to face, whether that’s at craft markets, jewellery parties, in shops etc but now we’re looking at how to pivot to have a strong online offering. Join me as I talk about some of the top tips for taking your business online by building on the business you already have.


Find the show notes here:


The first step to turning an offline business into an online business – start with what you already have (3:01)

Use your knowledge and market research during physical sales to gain understanding about your customer (6:56)

Talking to people online is very different to talking to people offline (8:25)

Try and take yourself out of the situation and see it as being about your customers and how you can help them (10:06)

You’re already an established business with products so you know what your customers like. Think about how you would speak to someone in real life if you were selling to them (11:30)

Pick one key social channel and be present in that channel every day (12:58)

This one is non-negotiable – get people onto your mailing list as that’s where you sell to them (14:10)

A common mistake people make when starting out is having too many sales channels to manage (15:23)

A few more things on this topic as we close (17:40)

Don’t tell yourself that you can’t do it – you’ve already run a business and you can do it! (19:26)

Thanks for listening!

With love, Jess x