? Download my FREE PDF on How to Go From “Hustling” Coach to 7-Figure Business Owner here: https://www.luisazhou.com/empire-pdf/

Wondering what it’s like to run a 7-figure online coaching business? There’s a lot of content out there that talks about how you can scale your business to 7 figures as if it happens like magic, but it actually takes a lot to get there. You’ll have to consistently show up, have the right support team, and make sure you use time efficiently. In today’s video, I take you through 3 areas in my business that will give you a more realistic look at what running a 7-figure online business looks like behind the scenes.

In the world of popular online business content, there’s this contrast between either being an extremely busy business owner who’s constantly working, or one that’s always kicking back on the beach, sipping cocktails while watching the dollars come in.

In reality, it’s somewhere in the middle. If you have the drive, passion, and work ethic to scale your business to where you want it to be, you’ll see that the process is indeed amazing. But it can only happen if you put in hard work and the necessary time. You have to show up everyday, and that’s the truth.

Get this: a business is not the same thing as a job or a side hustle. To run your own online coaching business, you’ll have to put processes and systems in place. And this requires you to have a team that will help you deliver. There’s a lot to do, so make sure you have the right people to make the magic happen.

Scheduling my time as an online coaching business owner has also not been easy. My philosophy is that being busy is NOT something to be proud of. Being busy for the sake of being busy shouldn’t be your priority as you scale your business. Instead, being able to use time efficiently should be your measure of success. It’s actually possible to do more in less time with the right time management.

Watch until the end of this video to get a closer look into what it’s like to run a 7-figure online coaching business like mine.

01:30 – What my support team looks like
08:35 – How I set my schedule to use time efficiently
15:20 – What do I do with my time?

Website: https://luisazhou.com
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