“Coach” Cayme Andrea has always wanted to help others succeed – both in business and in life. As a leadership coach, she helps equip those in business to become more effective leaders. Andrea says she really enjoys the work. But what she does not enjoy is the fact that she only gets paid when she shows up to help coach people.

Basically, she is paid for her ability to perform and provide a service. When she is not working, she is not earning money. Knowing that starting a traditional brick and mortar type business was not currently affordable for her family, Andrea wanted to find an online business building opportunity {*} that allowed her to earn supplemental money even when she was not coaching. Andrea found there were many options.

“As a business owner, it’s really important to have a business that pays for itself. And in a traditional business, you’re in business for 3, 4 sometimes 5 years before you turn a profit,” said Andrea. In fact, 18 percent of all new businesses fail within the first year and by the fifth year, that percentage goes up to 50 percent{**}.

On the other hand, with a variety of established franchise opportunities available, the startup cost can range from $10,000 all the way up to $5 million{***}. Andrea was looking for a business that she, herself, could startup with a business plan that had already been proven as a success for at least 10 years. She also needed a starting cost much lower than $10,000. What Andrea found was the Market America UnFranchise® Business System.

Check out the video above for more details on “Coach” Cayme Andrea and her search for an online business building opportunity.

*Online business building opportunity: https://www.shop.com/info/launch-my-site

**Smallbiztrends.com: https://smallbiztrends.com/2022/12/st…

***ADP.com: https://www.adp.com/resources/article….

Earnings depicted are atypical, and the success of any UnFranchise Owner will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent and dedication they devote to building their Market America business. For typical earnings, see www.market-america.info/mais