A Mary Kay online business differs from other companies you may have sold for previously. Specifically, selling Mary Kay or acquiring new customers on Facebook requires a very different approach from what you may have used with other businesses successfully. If you have a new Mary Kay business and you have a background in Pampered Chef, Paparazzi, Tupperware, Tastefully Simple, Thirty-One Gifts, ColorStreet Nails, Younique, Maskara, or any other direct sales business, you will benefit from watching this video. Mary Kay is different in many ways, beginning with the fact that it began in 1963. Learn how to appeal to the right audience and avoid discouragement and overwhelm. Work smarter, not harder while getting more leads, customers, sales, and team members.
(Previously recorded live on Facebook for my personal Mary Kay team members)
****Check out my brand new course on FACEBOOK SUCCESS: https://www.michellefoxonline.com/FastTrack
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